How to Change Discord PFP on Various Devices

How to Change Discord PFP on Various Devices

Refresh Your Discord Look!


7 min read

Customizing your Discord profile picture (PFP) can reflect your identity or current mood, whether you use PNG, JPEG, or GIF files. With a recommended size of 128 x 128 pixels, Discord caters to a seamless user experience but limits how often you can change your PFP within a certain timeframe to maintain community standards.

For those seeking to enhance their profile, Discord Nitro subscribers have additional perks like using animated GIFs for their profile pictures and access to exclusive avatar decorations. This guide will navigate the steps on how to change Discord PFP on various devices, leveraging primary instructions on "how to change discord pfp," "change discord pfp," "how to make a pfp for discord," "discord change avatar," and "discord change profile picture" for an easy, user-friendly experience.

How can I change Discord Profile Picture on Desktop

Changing your Discord profile picture (PFP) on a desktop is a straightforward process that can significantly impact your presence within the Discord community. Here's how you can change your Discord PFP on desktop devices:

  1. Open Discord & Navigate to User Settings:

    • Launch the Discord application on your desktop.

      • Click the gear icon at the bottom-left of your screen, near your profile picture, to access User Settings.
  2. Edit User Profile:

    • Within User Settings, find and click on Edit User Profile.

      • Hover your mouse cursor over your current profile picture. The CHANGE AVATAR text will appear. Click on this to proceed.
  3. Upload & Adjust Your New PFP:

    • Click on Upload Image to select a new profile picture from your computer files.

      • Discord allows you to crop and reposition your image, ensuring it fits perfectly. Square and centered pictures work best due to Discord's automatic cropping.

      • Once you're satisfied with the positioning, click Apply.

  4. Save Changes:

    • To finalize the change, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. Your Discord profile picture will be updated immediately.

Remember, Discord supports various file formats for profile pictures, including PNG, JPEG, and for Discord Nitro subscribers, animated GIFs. Choosing a clear and recognizable image can help friends identify you easily across the platform.

How can I change Discord Profile Picture on Mobile Devices

Changing your Discord profile picture (PFP) on mobile devices is a breeze, ensuring you can update your avatar on-the-go to reflect your current mood or interests. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to change Discord PFP on mobile devices:

  • Step 1: Open the Discord app on your mobile device.

  • Step 2: Tap your profile picture located in the bottom right corner to access your account settings.

  • Step 3: Select “User Profile” or “User Settings” from the menu.

  • Step 4: Tap your current profile picture again, then choose “Change Avatar” or “CHANGE AVATAR” from the options.

  • Step 5: Browse your device’s photo library to select a new profile picture. After choosing, you may adjust the cropping and positioning as needed.

  • Step 6: Save your new profile picture by tapping “Save” or the floppy disc-shaped “Save Changes” button.

For users encountering issues while trying to change their Discord PFP on mobile devices, it’s advisable to ensure that the Discord app is up-to-date. If problems persist, clearing Discord’s cache on your device or disabling developer options on Android devices may help resolve these issues. Always remember, a fresh and engaging PFP enhances your presence and interaction within the Discord community.

Where to find best pfps for my Discord Profile

Finding the perfect profile picture (PFP) for your Discord account can be an exciting journey, reflecting your personality, interests, or humor. With Discord supporting PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF formats (GIFs for Nitro subscribers), the possibilities are virtually endless. Here are some resources and tips for discovering or creating your ideal Discord PFP:

  • A treasure trove for unique and stylish Discord PFPs and banners. This website categorizes a vast collection of PFPs into easily navigable sections such as Anime, Football, Music, and more. Some popular categories include:

    • Cool PFPS

  • Custom Creations: For those with a creative flair, designing your own custom profile picture using design software is a great option. Start with a base image and add elements that represent you. Remember to save your masterpiece as PNG or JPG.

  • While not officially affiliated with Discord, provides a plethora of resources and information about Discord, including guides on finding and changing your PFP. This can be an invaluable resource for both new and seasoned Discord users.

Whether you’re a gamer, anime fan, meme enthusiast, or artist, using a profile picture that resonates with your identity can enhance your Discord experience and serve as a fantastic conversation starter.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When encountering issues while attempting to change your Discord profile picture, consider these troubleshooting steps:

  • Limitations on Frequency:

    • Discord restricts the frequency of profile picture changes to prevent abuse. If you've changed your avatar more than twice within 10 minutes, you'll need to wait before attempting another change.

      • If you receive a message stating, "You are changing your avatar too fast. Try again later," pause for a few minutes before trying again.
  • Technical Fixes:

    • Internet Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable. A poor connection can hinder the uploading process.

      • Developer Options: On Android devices, disabling developer options might resolve avatar changing issues.

      • DNS Settings: Changing your DNS server to and can help clear DNS cache and improve image loading times on Discord.

      • Firewall and Server Status: Check Discord's server status for any ongoing issues. If you're having trouble viewing others' profile pictures, consider adjusting your firewall settings to allow Discord.

  • Image Requirements:

    • Ensure the image file is less than 8 megabytes in size and adheres to Discord's recommended dimensions for optimal display.


Throughout this guide, we've explored the essentials of personalizing your Discord profile through changing your profile picture (PFP) across different devices, the benefits available to Discord Nitro subscribers, and how to tackle common issues should they arise. By understanding the size and format specifications, along with following step-by-step instructions, users can ensure their Discord identity reflects their personality or current mood effectively – enhancing the overall Discord experience for themselves and their community.

Moreover, this article highlighted the significance of choosing the right PFP by introducing various platforms and strategies for discovering or creating an ideal avatar. Whether it's leveraging the vast collection at, designing a custom creation, or navigating through common troubleshooting steps, these insights serve as a comprehensive resource for both new and veteran Discord users. As the digital interface continues to evolve, personalizing your online presence on platforms like Discord not only promotes a unique identity but also fosters a more engaging and vibrant community interaction.


Can I Have Different Profile Pictures for Each Discord Server I'm In?

No, Discord does not support multiple profile pictures for different servers. Your account has one profile picture across all servers. However, you can customize your presence in individual servers by changing your server-specific roles and nicknames, which allows you to alter your name and display color in those servers.

How to Update Your Discord Profile Picture on a Chromebook

To change your Discord profile picture on a Chromebook, follow these steps:

  1. Click the gear icon to open "User Settings."

  2. Select the "Edit User Profile" option.

  3. Click on your current profile picture or the "Change Avatar" button.

  4. If you tap the profile picture at the bottom left, it will also take you to your user settings where you can change your avatar.

Updating Your Discord Profile Picture on Mobile Devices

To change your profile picture (PFP) on the Discord mobile app, you need to:

  • Open the app and navigate to your user settings by tapping on your profile picture.

  • Within the settings, look for the option to edit your profile or directly change your avatar.

Is There a Limit to How Often You Can Change Your Discord Avatar?

Yes, Discord enforces a limit on how frequently you can change your profile picture. You are allowed up to two changes every 10 minutes. This restriction is in place to prevent abuse of the platform's terms of service. To change your avatar, simply open the Discord app on your PC or Mac and click the settings cog next to your current profile image.